Project for the Internationalization of Graduate Programs and Research at UERJ - State University of Rio de Janeiro – CAPES Print-UERJ Program.
The State University of Rio de Janeiro is committed both to scholarly excellence and to knowledge production and innovation. It pursues sound and continuous acknowledgement as a Higher Education and Research Institution and aims at a global culture worldwide whereby internationalization may be accomplished at each and every sphere of academic life. That commitment is expressed by its outlook for the Future.
Therefore the State University of Rio de Janeiro has set forth its Institutional Internationalization Plan, which aims at developing, strengthening, and taking in international and cross-cultural dimensions in the realms of teaching, research, innovation, and continuing education/community services. It pursues scholarly excellence with productive effects on both social development and the broadening of citizenship to a multicultural and interconnected world.
The objectives of PrINT UERJ are as follows:
To foster the up building, the implantation, and the strengthening of internationalization strategic plans in priority realms of knowledge; to stimulate international research networking in order to boost scholarly production on the graduate and doctoral levels; to broaden supporting actions to internationalization plans on graduate and doctoral levels; to promote two-way international mobility of faculty and students, especially the PhD and the post-doctoral students and faculty members affiliated to strictu sensu graduate programs with international cooperation; to foster transformation of participating institutions within an international environment; and to embrace further actions of Capes – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel along internationalization efforts.
Participating countries:
South Africa, Germany, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Equador, Finland, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Mozambique, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands (Low Countries), the United States of America, , United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam